What makes a community? While there are many definitions of community in the dictionary, all have one common theme – the word “share.” Some definitions talk about locality and shared government; others about common interests. We can have religious communities, social communities, and public communities. I could go on about the various types of communities, but I’m sure you get the idea. But, the question remains – what makes a community?
I was sitting with a group of people yesterday talking about the Colchester Food Bank and the growing needs of our residents. As many of you know, our Social Services Coordinator is a part-time position. Realizing the importance of the Food Bank and Social Services, we were able to reallocate funds during the last budget season from a generalized part-time department clerk to a 10.5 hour clerk focused solely on the Food Bank. This person’s job will include coordinating food drive events with the community, maintaining a list of needs on the website, and developing a volunteer program to open the food bank more days each week. As we were talking about the various needs of the Food Bank, I made the statement, “Colchester is the most giving community I’ve ever seen. All we have to do is tell
people that we need food and it arrives. People here really care.” Since then I’ve been thinking about those heart spoken comments and what is it that makes Colchester who we are.
Reflecting on the definitions changed the question slightly -- what is it we share that makes us a community? A common government and locality is the one thing that we all have in common. Within our greater community, we have many smaller communities – school, work, worship, sports, Scouts – the list is long. But, I would say there is one thing the majority of our residents share, young and old – they care.
Our residents give to those in need when asked, whether it be food, funds, or time. It is important to us as a community to care for our youth and our elderly – one is our future and the other gave us our future. We have residents who volunteer countless hours of their time and much of their resources to provide services to others in our community – from Scoutmasters and leaders to serving on boards and commission for the Town and the multitude of organizations found within, classroom volunteers, religious class teachers, coaches, Senior Center and Youth Center volunteers, Grad Night, Tag Sale on the Green, annual carnival. The list is long and could fill this entire paper!
But what we also have in Colchester are those people who care in their day-to-day living – mowing their neighbor’s lawn when a spouse is deployed, bringing their children to pick up litter on their street, sweeping off the storm drain near their driveway, or organizing a clean-up day for their neighborhood. Their community belongs to them and each individual takes personal responsibility for doing what they can to make it a better place.
That’s what makes Colchester what it is – it belongs to each and every one of us. We care about each other and are willing to lend a helping hand when needed. Think about it – where do you fit into the picture? Every one of us can do something every single day to make Colchester a better place for all of us. Thank you for what you do.
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